About the Invention

The main purpose of the invention, which also coincides with WHO guidelines for lung training of patients after COVID-19, is to provide a device and method of breathing inhalation and exhalation that enables users to simultaneously perform lung exercise, release nitric oxide and increase blood oxygenation in order to support with energy all the muscles that are exercising during the process of using the Breathlon Silicone Device.

This is also the main goal of the inventor, to create a functional simple device and a method of breathing and exercising of the lungs and muscles which adapts and works according to the physiology, physical abilities and health conditions of users.

The novelty is identified in its functional design, where the device uses as a means of blocking the mouth breathing, instructing the user to breathe naturally through the nose and to exhale the air outside through the nose or mouth through the self-adjusting elastic exhalation valve of the mouthpiece device.

The increase in efficiency is achieved by the practicality and adaptation of the device function to the physiology of the user’s respiratory organs by breathing through the nose and exhaling through the nose or mouth according to the pressure and lung capabilities of each user on a personalized level.

The increase in efficiency is also achieved by eliminating the user’s ability to breathe through the mouth by instructing him naturally towards the method of inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose or mouth under pressure, according to the capabilities of the user’s lungs.

Another purpose of the invention is to provide a device and method which will self-educate the user by learning from experience and awareness created to accurately perform the process of respiration and experiencing in real-time the increase in the quality of physical, mental and spiritual health.

This is achieved through the functional design of the device and the elastic exhalation valve system, which is designed to perform a function that adapts to the physiological and physical needs of each user on a personalized level, which are monitored by the user in real-time through the measuring oximeter in the user’s finger.

Another purpose of the invention is to provide a practical method of device application that is not restricted to any age group, starting from Childhood to Old Age.

This is achieved by the elastic exhalation valve which is able to adapt in different levels of pressure: low, medium and high, according to age groups and user lungs capability.

Also another purpose of the invention is to provide a hand free device to help categories of users with disabilities to improve lung health, oxygenation of the blood and abdominal muscles.

This is achieved through the maximizing of the breathing performance during expiratory pressure, to enable efficiency in blood oxygenation and training of active lungs and abdominal muscles during the breathing process.